our blog
Youth Advocating for Club Choice
Citizen Schools students are prompted to apply to multiple extracurricular activities over the course of a year, through a rigorous selection process that requires them to justify and advocate for their top choices. Students Self-Advocacy responses on the SSN SEL Survey improved over the year.
2018 EXPO Breakout Sessions - Recaps and Resources
Network members from nine organizations led seven breakout sessions at the 2018 SSN Innovates EXPO. Read more about their topics and explore the materials they shared.
SEL in girls and non-binary youth: Insights from Sadie Nash Leadership Project, L.O.V.E., and STEM from Dance
Here at SSN, our 40+ members use a common social-emotional learning measurement tool and dataset to shine a light on compelling trends and questions, seek out opportunities for collaboration, and strengthen the impact of our network.
[VIDEO] Youth in Action
This past year of the Elevating Youth Voice program has been filled with lessons, activities, and experiences that equip youth partners with tools they can use to own their voice in the education and public sector.
SSN Innovates: Expo - Agenda and Breakout Sessions
At SSN, we believe that the solution is almost always “in the room.” The SSN Innovates Expo is SSN’s year-end event designed to bring together members and other leaders into one “room” to share solutions to your biggest challenges.
Newsletter Issue 25: Share your inspiring practices at the Expo as we wrap up the year
Just six weeks to go until the Expo! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from and alongside network members, funders, educators, and others from the NYC education community.