innovating together

Student Success Network is a community of practitioners, youth, and researchers leveraging our collective power to transform programming, practice, and policy.



We believe that to see improved, equitable outcomes for youth we must address root causes of inequity and foster intentional collaboration, not competition.


is developmental


is for improvement


have power

Together, we can fuel a future where young people have the agency and power to sustain post-secondary academic, economic, and social-emotional wellbeing. 

our approach

fuel collaboration

to develop policy and practice solutions for key barriers to equitable outcomes

conduct research

to expand collective knowledge about key challenges and solutions related to inequitable outcomes

build practitioner capacity

to create stronger organizations and more impactful programming

elevate youth voice

to transform the role youth traditionally play from recipients of services into leaders and decision makers in their organizations, schools and communities

share and scale solutions

to disseminate evidence-based practices and approaches