our blog
Youth pull up a seat at the table
Your organization’s work to elevate youth voice is redefining what it means to work with young people. By building strong partnerships, the Network is taking a step forward in cultivating the power of youth leaders to change their organizations and communities.
Newsletter Issue 24: SSN Innovation, Strengthening Youth-Adult Partnerships, EXPO Proposals
Evidence shows academic and social emotional learning must happen together, and others are looking to SSN as a model of how to build partnerships that get us there.
Collaborating through difference: How a community of diverse non-profits are working together to improve student outcomes
SSN is a community of diverse schools and nonprofits who acknowledge their differences, but pool their knowledge and strengths to put all students on a path to success. SSN’s Collabs, small groups of practitioners that meet monthly to achieve shared goals, are spaces where this collaboration happens.
Sue's Thoughts
I see this blog as a way of sharing these ideas with and beyond the Network and our thought partners and seeing which ideas you respond to, how you add to them and make them better. In that vein, here’s what I’m thinking about right now.
Save The Date For The 2018 Expo!
At SSN, the solution is almost always “in the room.” The SSN Innovates Expo is SSN’s year-end event designed to bring together in one "room" members and other leaders to share their solutions to big challenges.
A New Approach to Social-Emotional Learning Research: Putting Practitioners and Youth in the Driver's Seat
In 2015, Student Success Network began to partner with the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, who brought a commitment to SEL and deep roots in NYC. Together, we wanted to create a truly collaborative, unique relationship that leverages the different but equally valuable expertise of practitioners, researchers, and youth.