our approach
Our work is guided by our shared vision of student success and belief that if we build our capacity to improve, we can better ensure all students have opportunities to thrive. Our networked approach to learning and improvement means we rely on our Network to raise challenges, as well as to develop and share solutions. We know that, together, we’ll make more progress towards equitable student outcomes.
together as a network
Set an agenda
We continually work to define and measure what matters for student success. Together, and with youth, we identify challenges that, if addressed, would improve systems for youth.
Facilitate network learning & collaboration
We bring practitioners together to see their systems, define meaningful goals and measures, refine programmatic approaches and improve outcomes. They gain skills that, in turn, build the capacity of their organizations to innovate and address barriers to student success.
Codify and scale solutions
We disseminate what we are learning about practices and approaches through Network events and curated tools and resources on our website