our blog
8 Elements of Continuous Improvement @ SSN
Continuous improvement is challenging but many of the nonprofits and schools that make up the Student Success Network are getting it right. Whether you are just starting on your continuous improvement journey or you’ve been at it for a while, check out the 8 elements we’ve seen drive success in continuous improvement.
Using a Coach-Mentor Model to Inform "Kid Talks"
South Bronx United has designed the role of coach-mentor in which our soccer coaches serve as mentors for the student-athletes on their team. In doing so, coaches aim to support their student-athletes on and off the soccer field to foster growth in academics, athletics, and character.
2018 EXPO Breakout Sessions - Recaps and Resources
Network members from nine organizations led seven breakout sessions at the 2018 SSN Innovates EXPO. Read more about their topics and explore the materials they shared.
Collaborating through difference: How a community of diverse non-profits are working together to improve student outcomes
SSN is a community of diverse schools and nonprofits who acknowledge their differences, but pool their knowledge and strengths to put all students on a path to success. SSN’s Collabs, small groups of practitioners that meet monthly to achieve shared goals, are spaces where this collaboration happens.
Think Tank Recap
This network is all about solutions. Whether you are strengthening relationships with students or encouraging growth mindsets, the Think Tank was a day for all members to share and be proud of the progress they’ve made while taking back some new tools.
Newsletter Issue 23: Think Tank, Staff SEL Opportunities
Grab a spot at the ThinkTank to connect with others and design creative solutions for shared challenges. RSVP now and invite anyone at your organization who is ready to improve.