Think Tank Recap


Missed the Think Tank? No Problem! Plug in to a Collab to start working with network members ASAP.

Sharing Solutions at the Think Tank

This network is all about solutions. Whether you are strengthening relationships with students or encouraging growth mindsets, the Think Tank was a day for all members to share and be proud of the progress they've made while taking back some new tools.

Sign Up and Get Started

Sign up for a Collab and you'll receive an invite to join others in strengthening practices and improve student outcomes.

  • Check the Collab space for notes from the day and share one article or resource about your driver on NICO

  • Invite others from your organization to join

Inspiration to Impact

Collab members have the opportunity to measure the impact innovations have on students by linking their change ideas and practical measures to the SSN survey. What criteria do you need to do this?

  • Survey response rate: Pre- and post-survey with a high response rate (>83% at pre)

    • Think about conducting your change idea at a high response rate site!

  • Sample size: Implement a change idea with at least 10 of the students that have/will have matching pre- and post-surveys

  • Timing: Implement change idea after pre- and before post-survey

  • Student roster: Have a list of students affected by your change idea

  • Practical measures: Collect student-level data measuring progress towards your goal (e.g. exit tickets, rubric, selected questions drawn from Network SEL survey)

What's Next?

Save the date for our EXPO, SSN’s year-end event designed to bring together members and other leaders into one “room” to share solutions to our biggest challenges. Attendees will learn about the many ways fellow network members are innovating to create transformative experiences for students, share expertise to strengthen NYC’s education ecosystem, and explore the power a network can have for improving student outcomes. More details to come!

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