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Newsletter Issue 21: Full of Gratitude for 2017, Ready to Embrace 2018
2017, you’ve been great… but we’re ready for 2018! Save the date now for SSN Innovates: Think Tank, where all collabs will come together to share out progress and take away ideas to push ahead.
Newsletter Issue 20: Reflection and Celebration
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year. We’re grateful for all of you – our friends, supporters, thought partners – who helped make this year a success. We look forward to another year of working together to create a stronger ecosystem for students in New York City.
Newsletter Issue 19: Show Your Thanks by Giving, Collabs Innovating Together, OBT and Fellowship Spotlight, Training Opportunities
"We have performance based outcomes and can see that we can get people engaged in employment, but what are the skills that will allow them for career advancement? We’re aiming for our young people to be connected not just employed; empowered not just recipients."
Newsletter Issue 18: Data Lab, New Member Welcome, SSN Innovates Fellows
All Student Success Network members are invited to the Data Lab where we will have the opportunity to dig into SEL data together as a Network. Research Alliance for New York City Schools will present their analysis of trends and we will hear from the members whose data indicates they are rapidly moving the needle in meeting their students' SEL needs.
Newsletter Issue 17: Continuous Improvement, Learning Visits, #YouthVoice
Your work with SSN is making a lasting impact on NYC students. Last academic year, over 40 innovations were tested, measured and shared. RSVP to the following events to 1) figure out how to make the most of the SSN community and 2) understand your data in comparison to the network
Newsletter Issue 16: Learning EXPO, Sign Up for Free Development Opportunities, Network Principles Update
The academic year is quickly coming to an end and we're preparing for a strong finish and an even stronger start next year. Don't miss out on the chance to celebrate the network or sign up for next year's opportunities.