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2019 Promising Practices for Improving Youth Social-Emotional Learning
The Research Alliance for NYC Schools at NYU used 2018-19 Student Success Network Survey data to identify 20 Bright Spot Sites -- member sites where participants experience greater growth in at least one SEL factor compared to similar young people across the Network. SSN staff and youth interviewed practitioners at Bright Spot sites; participants in each interview collaboratively documented promising practices to share across the Network.
14 Promising Practices for Improving Youth Social-Emotional Learning
The Research Alliance for NYC Schools at NYU used 2017-18 Student Success Network Survey data to identify 18 Bright Spot Sites -- member sites that had a stronger positive effect on youth SEL compared to other sites serving similar youth. SSN staff and youth interviewed practitioners at Bright Spot sites; participants in each interview collaboratively documented promising practices to share across the network.
"How We Are Going to Create Community"
Through their community guideline process, Sadie Nash Leadership Project’s Sisterhood Academy strives to create a space where young people and adult facilitators can be their whole selves, be vulnerable, and openly explore their own lived experiences and social issues.
Creating a Student-Centered Program to Build SEL Skills
Y staff introduced a group meeting model that grants opportunities for older students to take leadership roles and for all students to share insights and advice. These discussions led to an increase in Interpersonal Skills, Growth Mindset and Belonging on the SSN SEL Survey.